Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension means to understand what you read. This skill is very important in daily life as a parent, worker, and citizen.  Many jobs require you to read charts, graphs, and spreadsheets in order to understand information and solve problems.  It is important to read work information carefully in order to recognize important details, follow logical steps, and know work procedures.  If you do not understand written information, it is a good idea to ask for help. Then you will know you are doing your job correctly. 

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You may be asked to complete your work tasks by following specific instructions. Your supervisor may leave you written instructions on how to complete a job. You will need to follow the instructions. Chen is a materials handler. He has been asked to move items to the correct storage area.  Work with a partner to follow the rules in this chart and decide which items Chen should store in each area.

Items List

1.  400 pound piece of equipment                                            5. A glass mirror

2.  50 pound box of dynamite                                                   6.  50 pound box of copy paper

3.  5 gallon drum of chemical needing refrigeration

4.  A copy machine weighing 80 pounds

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Material handlers work in warehouses to move products. This might mean finding materials on the shelves and wrapping them and putting them on a delivery truck or pulling materials off the truck and putting them in the proper shelf spot.   There are over 20 different types of jobs for handlers. To learn more about these jobs click here.